4:35 PM
Hosting for the preview of Change Concert 2008.
Early morning filming at Hwa Choong. 提早去排练剧本

with 陈彼得老师 :)

there was some commotion behind yesterday when I was talking to yuki (however you spell that) .. I heard a bunch of students pointing to me and said: "neh ... 就是她~..很像leh"
very confused of whats going on.
very confused of whats going on.
when I was about to go home .. this girl came to me .. haha I thought it's quite amusing because she said: "erm .. can I take a photo with you?"
I was like : "err haha .. sure .. "
she said: "my friends said I looked like you"
LOL now I get what all the hwa chong students were talking about this morning.
haha .. anyway .. nice meeting her :)