6:00 PM
these are rather on the past week of practises and rehearsings for our event.

Last Full Run Rehearsal !

oh Chinese Girl. heh~

怎样都比不过彼此的心窝 !

camwhoring in our seats while waiting for our turn.

keith and vincent's music performance



还好我有你, 幸好你有我
The dance item was a little screwed in the middle, which was the part we weren't that familiar . sigh~~ ... haha damn ... luckily the front and back parts saved us .. which was quite well commented by alot of people. surprisingly to hear that beginning was well sync and errr .. impressive ?
but nevertheless, thank everyone's encouragement & support & shouting "jiayous" .. which was quite warmheartening ..
besides a BIG thankyou to our dance instructor angie and ben for taking up their time teaching, choreographing and helping us to get things right
besides a BIG thankyou to our dance instructor angie and ben for taking up their time teaching, choreographing and helping us to get things right
oh WHINE UP the DanceFloor yo !
with our dance instructor ben and angie :)

thanks jun for the lovely DIY gift !

e 2

As usual, fooling around after off-set.
haha singapore VS bangladesh~ LOL !

eerrr ....

All the best to all of us on the day of event!