4:33 AM
after the long await!
here's my update on my trip to Vancouver British Columbia !! :))
Vancouver B.C - 13th to 27th September
PART 1so yea after my graduation during august, me, my parents and my aunt went over
to V.B.C to visit our relatives ..etc and also to settle some stuffs.
gee. after so many years, I took the midnight flight at freakin' 1am again (@.@)
tell me it's not tiring when you're flying on air for 16+ hours !!!! zzzz
(oh ya it included transfering of flight between Shanghai Airport. LOL i still remembered I was sitting at the Net bar in the departure hall with friends msning me away: "Where the heck are you now?!" .. while I was waiting for my transfer. haha )
double yayness.
the exciting part is ain't going there with my parents .. because I can't get to do/play/shop whereever I want. hahathe exciting part is I'm flying back again to my used-to-be hometown. and I can't wait to get out of singapore for a getaway from the buzzin' city :Dit's really a pity dennis gotta enter army on sept ...if not I could bring him and catty around V.B.C for a tour :))
anyway I arrived V.B.C around afternoon 12+pm if I ain't wrong? haha ... for singapore, it's moving one day faster then there.when you are at the other side of the world. the timing is totally different, so yea, it needa some time to get yourself adapting to it
after getting our car, we moved into Blundell road's bungalow which we had our stay. susan our landlord is pretty nice. :)
it's where we stayed.

cosy living room :)

dining room


stairways up to bedrooms and bathrooms

living room
not much of activities during day 1.
just plain visitings, dining with ben's family .. etc etc etc
it's been many years since I last saw ben's grandma, grandpa and aunt. heartwarming.
they can't even recognise me when I walked into the room, and they keep asking uncle stanley : " 这个是诗琪吗?? 长那么大了啊?!!"
lol. wth
just plain visitings, dining with ben's family .. etc etc etc
it's been many years since I last saw ben's grandma, grandpa and aunt. heartwarming.
they can't even recognise me when I walked into the room, and they keep asking uncle stanley : " 这个是诗琪吗?? 长那么大了啊?!!"
lol. wth
anyway Day 2.
Steveston Village
3811 Moncton Street, Dyke Road and 12138-Fourth Avenue
at the chilly 7 am, we drived down to Steveston Village- Fisherman's Wharf , watched fishermen catching salmons, tunas, codfish, lobsters, prawns ... etc and they sell it at excellent price for such FRESH catch.
Cheaaap Jumbo Sardines Catch on Sales
huge ain't it? haha
temple visit.
this is perhaps one of the very few bigger temples you can find in richmond city.
Queen Elizabeth Park.
Cambie Street at West 33rd Avenue
Queen Elizabeth Park is the second most visited park in Vancouver and holds within its perimeters some of the most beautiful public gardens anywhere. Its recreational offerings are diverse ranging from sporty to horticultural and include golf, tennis, lawn bowling, disc golf, an extensive outdoor arboretum and the indoor Bloedel Floral Conservatory.
see that semicircle-structured building?
that's the horticultural area :)
pardon me, I forgotten their name for it. haha
but anyway, these species on duck can mostly be found only in canada.
but anyway, these species on duck can mostly be found only in canada.
Gorgeous MAPLE TREE!!
Maple tree is the national arboreal emblem of Canada.
as it's autumn, it's season for maple tree's leaves to change color, and then .. process of withering, and soon later there comes snowing.
you know the maple syrup which you poured onto your delicious pancakes and waffles? yeap, the syrup is made from the sap of the maple tree :)
evening, diner with my relatives at one of the restaurants.
you must be wondering where I had my lunch yea?
I think there's nothing to blog about,
because usually for lunch, if it's not burger & Fries and Fish&Chips ... it'll always be: "Harrr gaaooo.. Sieewww Maaaiii !!"