
9:34 AM

It's been my 2 months living alone.
Whenever there's no school, I end up either sleeping my day away, or end up being in the kitchen the whole time experimenting cooking new dishes or desserts, well basically to kill time. I wish I had a car, easier to go anywhere I want. $$$$$ :/


13th April Saturday.

had dinner at sch mates house, cum farewell for ivan.
Ivan is one of my school's instructor, have seen him many times, very nice person, but never a chance to be taught by him. haha we played badminton together at times together though, his badminton skills are AMAZING scary. Dont understand how can someone play without moving around the badminton court yet able to hit the shuttle that's flying from everywhere... 
Learnt alot of little techniques from him. haha badminton has some sort become my weeky sports.
anyway back to topic:

Steamboat. BBQ. 煮炒~

setting up fire in the drizzle.


michael and mr li BBQ-ing the chicken wings for us. haha

YUMMEH~ I love mushrooms, I could eat this everyday. haha

and I made cream puffs for the class :)


ps: 我超爱吃火锅,已经超久没吃了。。但那晚是麻辣的,真可惜我不吃辣~ 哈哈!

WAH.. clean after-math! im impressed.  Guys? HAHA!

wishing Ivan smooth sailing in his new job in the future! 


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