
4:00 PM

the bunch of bros arrived Singapore yesterday evening, and got to my house at night. it was quite late, brought them to dinner nearby my place.

First meal of Fish Head curry.
They were pretty excited upon seeing FISH. haha in aussie, we only got to eat fish fillet.

Playing tour guide.
Day 2: Drove the happy friends around for a city tour!

Brought the bros to dinner at Havelock Road 大排档 with my parents.
Quality hours of chat session. over eating and a lot of fish head curry again.
Garic says he wanna slim down during these 2 weeks of stay in sg, I said its difficult! haha
today he said: In aussie we didn't had much good food outside but we did still gain weight, now in sg, at the rate we are eating like this everyday, and more good food, I will go on diet another time then. hahaha

Bromance selfie!

50% strength of the clique

sending them back

We all had quite abit of fun for this weeks, and today also marks the end of school break. 
Back to sim tomorrow, full throttle.

Wish them all the best for their future career! 有缘再相聚!

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