Jam day
6:30 AMAugust's been very busy yet fruitful.
18th August's gig performance at St. James Power Station turned out quite successful, despite the slight hiccups here and there, it's FULL HOUSE!!! and the pub got a shock, thanking us that they sold out the whole pub's 2 weeks supply of alcohol! haha anyway The Kross keyboard almost gave all of us an heart attack minutes right before our performance due to a faulty plug, unable my keyboard to start up. Luckily the technician managed to resolve everything, if not tony would be cursing. haha
thank you all friends and everyone else who came down to support!!
good ol' friends :)
Recent announcements, company is slowly getting back on track, and my start-work date has been pushed forward 2 months, which is sort of a good news! don't have to go middle east anymore! new semester school fee payment due soon, my head gonnabe on chopping board again for payment $$$$$ :(.. part time working for own pocket money while studying & is really tiring mentally and physically, but soon it will be over, will be over, I hope. Can't really complain too much as you have to pay for what you get, fufiling dreams never come easy or for free, unless you come from wealthy families.
Anyway so classes has been accelerated a bit this month onwards. Been starting to bring around an organizer to keep track of my daily to-do work/school/exams since June. Overwhelmed workload, dates or days or timing gets messed up easily. Nowadays, being able to sit down relaxing and having a good meal properly is perhaps a luxury of time and life.
Was suddenly told that my 2nd last exam will be in 2 weeks (instructor got messed up with the dates and names so he booked the wrong date so ended up my exam became sucha sudden rush. holy crap), and 1 week of course following after that. Basically whole month of sept schedule is gonnabe crazy, barely could fit my part time work schedule into it.
Hopefully everything is smoother sailing. God bless me and my sim buddy.
Hanging in there....