11:30 AM

30 JUN 2017

It's pretty fast and it has been almost a week here this coming sunday.

Tried some traditional their local homemade breakfast. 
It's homemade hot chocolate which they melt in a pot. Served with different type of cheese and bread.

And tried some traditional meal- Bandeja paisa ( Bandeja means platter in spanish), lunch hosted by William. 
The main characteristic of this dish is the generous amount and variety of food in a traditional bandeja paisa, example: Red beans cooked with pork or minced meat, White rice, Pandebono(Cheese bread), chicharrón (Fried pork belly or pork skins), Fried egg, Puerto Rican Tostones (Fried Plantains) , Fried Yuca roots dipped in salsa and local coffee etc
It is quite delish. Thank you William and friends for the nice lunch gathering :)

Lil' Coco started to recognise me!!
He wages his tail outside my room door when I wakes up in the morning, came running and give me a lick. So happy to see the sight of him :)))

Thank you Lauren for making breakfast for me sometimes, even though it is just a simple one, but I really appreciate it, very nice of her.
Lauren always asked me how's my day going, how's my sleep, and never fail to give me a hug every morning when I see her. Heartwarming :)

Even now Coco start to sit quietly beside me and join me for my breakfast! I wonder if Coco understands what I'm talking to her sometimes. hmm..
I don't usually like small dogs (prefered big fluffy ones), but Coco is sucha darling.
Nawwww ♥♥♥
I think it's gonnabe a lil' hard when I leave for home, I'll definitely miss it.

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